September 14, 2017

It's now easier to embed media content, insert images and attach files

It’s always been possible to attach files, insert images or embed media content like YouTube videos, but a quick look at our most common Help Center queries showed maybe it wasn’t as obvious as we thought.

Our Help Center runs on Timelapse, of course, and with the “Top Queries” report we’re able to get a sense of what was causing friction for our customers when using Timelapse. It turns out there was a good number of queries around “images”, “photos”, “embed” and “videos”.

In an effort to keep the text editor’s toolbar clean and simple, attaching a file or inserting an image was possible with drag & drop:

Embedding a YouTube video was done through the “Link” button. Pasting a URL from one of the supported services would trigger the embed button:

So while it was possible to insert images or embed videos, it was not obvious. To make things more obvious, we added two new buttons to the editor’s toolbar: Attach files and Embed.

The attach files button opens the file system window and will also work on a mobile device. The embed button, while very similar to the link functionality – pasting a supported URL will allow you to embed it – is just much more obvious.

Happy embedding!